Saturday, June 13, 2015

Crop Top Crazy

Like I mentioned in my last post, I want to talk crop tops and two-pieces. I have a love/hate relationship with them. About a year ago when they started becoming popular again, I thought about purchasing a matching set, but they truly intimidated me. I looked at them longingly on others, but the thought of actually wearing one on my own body made me very hesitant. I was just getting back to my pre-baby weight and, let's be honest, unless you spend some time at the gym, a post-baby belly isn't the most attractive. However, after having two kids, I was pretty proud of how I looked and figured I was ready to take the plunge and purchase my first crop top and matching skirt.
But then I learned a valuable lesson with my first purchase, you can feel totally awesome in your two piece when it's just you and your husband, but when you're in a crowd, you can have this instant reaction to cover your belly. I'm sure it doesn't happen to everyone, but I bet I'm not alone. In the moment I figured out a way to make me feel more comfortable and then when I went to buy my second two-piece set, I learned what worked best for me. So here are 3 easy ways to increase your comfort level when buying a crop top and hopefully you can love them as much as I do now! 
 1. Wear something over top like a blazer or denim jacket. The above picture was my first crack at a two-piece. Now while I think it's gorgeous, I was heading to my sister's rehearsal dinner and just felt like it was too sexy or something. After this picture, I threw on a white blazer and felt instantly better. Having that extra amount of coverage will help you forget how much stomach you have showing.
2. Try wearing a fitted top with a flared bottom, or vice versa. After the rehearsal dinner, I decided I probably wouldn't wear both together again, but they would make amazing pieces when separated. I could wear a flowy crop top with the skirt or an A-line midi skirt with the top. If both the top and bottom are fitted, you might feel too self-conscious if you are already hesitant to try them.

3. Find the right amount of stomach to show. Buying a two-piece can be tough, everyone has different body types. I have a short torso, so most crop tops aren't very cropped, which works for me. The above picture is my second attempt and I am so happy with this combo. Having a tiny bit of my belly peeking through along with following rule number 2, I didn't even realize I was wearing a two-piece!
Whatever is in style this season and in seasons to come, the moral of the story is to not give up. If you love it, keep searching till you find the right piece that works for you and rock it ;)

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