Friday, May 29, 2015

New Beginnings

Hi everyone!

I have finaly decided to take the leap and start my own fashion blog. I am so excited to take you on this journey with me through my crazy life! Ever since I can remember, my favorite thing in the world was going shopping for clothes. I live in Lancaster County, about an hour and a half from Philadelphia, and it's probably the furthest you could get from a fashion capital (and I'm not talking about distance). Other than your typical mall where I went to shop at Limited Too, American Eagle and Abercrombie (in that order), we also had the outlets! I can barely contain my excitement, but at least there was J. Crew. After attending college with a bunch of New Yorkers and discovering fashion blogs and online stores, a whole world opened up outside of my small suburban town. I've found so many amazing pieces that I can't wait to share with you all!

So now that we are done talking about the past, my life currently includes being a wife to my amazing husband and a mom to my two handsome boys. I love them to pieces!! They are obviously a huge part of my life and will have a big influence on my blog. For example, the title of my blog includes the word "heels", but I do wear flats all the time. As a mom, realistically, you have to! However, the word to me also just signifies being able to dress up, you can be a mom starting a family in your hometown and still be able to look good and feel good!

Ok, enough about me, time to start sharing my favorite looks!

xoxo Sarah

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